Exceptional student Advocacy services

Role and Responsibilities

What is the role of our special education advocate?

 Special education advocates help parents make sure a child’s special needs are met. They help parents understand available services, interpret test results, and work with schools to plan individualized education programs (IEPs).

For exceptional students needs, learning concerns take many forms. 

A exceptional student advocate helps families address previously identified learning challenges, as well as pinpoint overlooked factors that may be affecting a child’s ability to learn. These include:

A exceptional student advocate takes on many responsibilities. To empower families and give a voice to students, exceptional student advocates perform the following duties:

How exceptional student Advocates Help Families

A complex system of federal, state, and local laws, plus policies and regulations, oversees special education. These laws, policies, and regulations detail:

Each of these aspects of special education involves a process, and each process is governed by rules and regulations. Exceptional student advocates help families navigate not only the laws but also the processes by which schools implement legislation. Their expertise gives parents a chance to participate in shaping their children’s education.

Additionally, parents often display sensitivity when dealing with issues regarding their children. Exceptional student advocates assist parents who may feel emotionally overwhelmed.

Exceptional student advocates also help parents gauge their children’s progress. In situations when parents believe their children may be stalling or even regressing, exceptional student advocates guide parents through the steps to address the situation.